GreenTech Americas boosts horticultural productivity

Amsterdam – 26 January 2023. The third edition of GreenTech Americas will be all about technology which boosts the horticultural productivity. The show offers an ‘open to all visitors’ GreenTech Stage and an educational Conference Programme. International and regional high-level speakers will inspire investors, importers, exporters and breeders how to optimize their production through technology in a controlled environment. Topics like ‘Alternative crops’ and ‘How to use data for better decision making’ will be discussed.
With 180 companies, from 20 countries, the exhibition floor is completely sold out. The show will be held from Tuesday 21 – Thursday 23 March in Querétaro Congress Center (QCC), Mexico.

World population
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), it is estimated that the world population will reach 9.7 billion people by 2050. It is expected that agriculture will have to produce almost 50% more food to meet the demand in the coming years, which represents a major challenge for the industry.
Technology plays a fundamental role in triggering greater horticultural productivity; improving the use of substrates, water, fertilizers, technology, labour and energy.

Why Mexico
Protected agriculture in Mexico is a success story worldwide based on the accelerated growth it has reported in recent years. During 2019, the national territory had 54,150 hectares and today it is close to reaching 60,000 hectares. While 50% of crops are produced through protected horticulture, according to figures from the Mexican Association of Protected Horticulture (AMHPAC).
Also is Mexico one of the world’s leading producers of fruits and vegetables with about 39 million tons per year with a value of 39 billion pesos, according to information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Leading centre
“We are excited to celebrate the third edition of GreenTech Americas in Querétaro. It has become the leading centre for horticulture for South America, adapted to the needs looking at climate and crops. With so much potential in the market, we are confident that this year will be an even bigger success than last year”, according Mariska Dreschler, Director of Horticulture, GreenTech Global.
“GreenTech Americas will be a milestone in technological innovations presented by leading companies in the industry from countries such as the Netherlands, the United States, Canada, Spain, Turkey, Israel, France, Germany, Belgium and Denmark, to name a few”, says José Navarro, CEO of Tarsus.

Conference Programme
The current status of horticulture in the region of Mexico will be discussed at the Strategic Content Programmes on the stage at the Conference.
Including specific topics like ‘Alternative crops as a strategy in protected horticulture’, ‘Agropark – High-tech greenhouse cluster experiences’, ‘Implementation of data collection technologies and how to use data for better decision making’, ‘Manage plant health, manage the risks of fungal diseases such as botrytis and powdery mildew’ and ‘How to maintain ideal Vapour-pressure deficit (VPD) and optimal plant balance for plant growth’.

Partners of the event
The event is supported by the Asociación Mexicana de Horticultura Protegida A.C. (AMHPAC); the Centro Universitario CEICKOR; the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; among other prestigious organizations and institutions, which will provide a greater exchange of knowledge, experiences and success stories among industry suppliers from Mexico and other countries.

About GreenTech Americas
GreenTech Americas is part of the GreenTech portfolio and focuses on Mexico as well as the rest of the Americas. The goal is to meet the specific needs of growers, breeders and suppliers. GreenTech Americas enables a greater exchange of knowledge, experiences, and success stories of the horticultural industry in this region. The show is organized by RAI Amsterdam and Tarsus México. More information at

About GreenTech Amsterdam
GreenTech Amsterdam will be held from Tuesday 13 – Thursday 15 June 2023. The exhibition is a global meeting place for all horticultural technology professionals with the focus on the early stages of the horticultural chain and the current issues growers face. GreenTech is supported by AVAG, the industry association for the greenhouse technology sector in the Netherlands. More information via or follow FacebookLinkedInTwitterInstagram or YouTube.