

Lion’s Mane Regrows Nerves

Lion’s Mane Regrows Nerves

Lion’s Mane Hericium erinaceus  Can you believe this white ‘pom pom’ like fungus has properties that regrow nerves? This has been proven in several peer reviewed studies. Remarkably, this mushroom can grow larger than a baseball in under two months…

UF/IFAS researchers work to make beer hops a Florida crop

UF/IFAS researchers work to make beer hops a Florida crop

Photo above: UF students engage in sensory training for Thompson-Witrick’s study, learning how to identify certain smells emanating from the shredded hops. (by Tyler Jones, UF/IFAS) Although plenty of Florida’s craft brewers advertise their libations as brewed with state-grown ingredients,…

Is Farming in your DNA? Grow with the times

Is Farming in your DNA? Grow with the times

Did your grandfather inspire you to become a farmer? Mine did, but it took me another forty odd years to recognize it! People often have a link to their passion for CEA from a generational farming background.  My forefathers were…