April 3, 2023

We do their first practice graft! Practice grafts don’t go to mate – actually, here let’s take a second and explain the process of grafting. First, I go to a hive, take out a frame, and scoop out three-day old…

March 30, 2023

Emily and I make a map of all hives within a 5 mile radius to get an idea of the drones the queens would be mating with. 

February 2023

Emily and I sit down with Nate Reid, our Head Beekeeper at the time, and Caitlin Duennebiar, our Boston Regional Operations Manager, and officially propose the schedule and formalize the plan. The schedule is edited and we end up deciding…

January 2023

Emily and I come up with a queen rearing plan for Boston; I proposed a queen rearing schedule that started in April and ended in August. 

Late Dec 2022

Emily and I start talking about queen rearing in Boston because I took the They Keep Bees queen rearing course over the summer.