763: Diane Blazek on New Plant Evaluations

763: Diane Blazek on New Plant Evaluations

763: Diane Blazek on New Plant Evaluations. Organizing trials of new plant varieties with professional judges throughout North America.   In This Podcast: We are introduced to the organization behind a logo found on seed packages and seed catalogs everywhere.…

Are you Overpaying for Fruit Trees?

Are you Overpaying for Fruit Trees?

Are You Overpaying for your fruit trees? by Farmer Greg Peterson How much should you be paying for your fruit trees?  That is really a good question. I’ve been playing with and planting fruit trees since 1974 in the low…

Keeping Peafowl For Pleasure & Profit

Considering keeping peafowl on your farm? Social birds with amazing iridescent plumage, peafowl can be fun to have around so long as you follow a few pointers. The post Keeping Peafowl For Pleasure & Profit appeared first on Hobby Farms.